With the death of the two youths on Saturday, since 2010 31 people have died on the N-121A
  • The event took place on Saturday afternoon in a local dwelling. The collision between the two vehicles was the worst of those that occurred after the collision with a truck that came from behind, as the two young people who were inside died. In addition, five other people were injured in various ways in the accident. In the last 10 years, a total of 31 people have died on the N-121 highway at the height of the municipality.
Euskalerria irratia @fm983irratia ARGIA @argia 2020ko urtarrilaren 13a
Olaguen izan zen istripua larunbatean.

The accident occurred at 19:50 in the afternoon, on the GI-627 road. An off-road ride on the N-121 at the height of Olague has been driven by a tourist, an off-road and a trailer. This second car, which lost traffic control, was imbibed frontally against a truck coming from behind it. The two young people inside the house died of injuries. These are Mikel Manzano, a neighbour of Igantzi of 21 years old and Xabier Taberna Donostiarra of 19 years old and a neighbour of the Navarra locality of Arantza, with residence in Arantza. They were friends. Five other people were injured.

According to SOS Navarra, both died on the spot and the doctors who were taken to the site were only able to confirm the death. The bodies were taken out by the fire brigade and transferred to the Navarro Institute of Legal Medicine. An autopsy will be done there.

To the site, six traffic patrols of the Foral Police, enlisted and a Citizen Security patrol of Pamplona/Iruña, as well as firefighters and ambulances, were displaced. The Foral Police investigates the causes of the accident.

4,000 daily trucks

(with information from ARGIA) During the last decade, institutions and citizens of the Navarre section that runs this road have asked the Government of Navarra to take measures to reduce road truck traffic. To this end, the mayors of the region have met with the institutional representatives and the citizens have made various mobilizations.

In the last ten years 31 people have died in this way, and in the last 25 years 193 deaths have been recorded. It is the road that has the most deaths in all of Navarre. Most city councils and citizens demand that heavy traffic on this road, international trucks, be diverted from the A-15, as they consider it to be the infrastructure ready for this. According to the platform that drives this petition, it is 20 kilometers more for Behobia from the A15, but as for the time it is similar, "especially if the trucks respect the speed to which they must travel, which does not happen today," says the former mayor of the council of Olague Mikel Uriarte.