As every year, a demonstration in favour of Basque prisoners will be held in Bilbao on Saturday, but this year it will also be held in Baiona. Starting at 17:00 in the afternoon, the programme will begin: In Bilbao by La Caja and in Baiona by the Plaza de la República. This was made known at the hearing held in Irun on 19 November. "This time after the disarmament and dissolution of ETA is the time for Basque prisoners," they said.
Like last year, Bakegile and Orain Presoak call on the Spanish and French governments to take steps towards a "just and lasting peace". To this end, they consider it necessary to abolish the exceptional measures: “It is essential to ensure common human rights.”
The demonstration on Saturday will be held at Donostia-San Sebastián on 20 October. The Sare Citizens’ Network has pointed out that the intention is “clear”: “The foundations of a lasting and comprehensive peace must come from the activation of society and the effort of all is necessary”. They have underlined their desire to live in coexistence and coexistence.
A step in favour of sick prisoners
The Spanish Government has relaxed the conditions for the release of seriously ill prisoners: Repeal Instruction 03/2017. So far only the prisoners who were "about to die" came home, and from the new year the law is not going to be so rigid. The Sare Citizen Network, despite its positive evaluation of the repeal of the instruction, suspects that the legal modification is motivated by the case of Eduardo Zaplana, imprisoned for corruption, suffering from leukemia.