Turkey bombs Kurdist Saturday night
  • Since 19 November, Turkey has been attacking Kurdistan more intensively, as it is conducting bombings. The Kurdistan Liberation Movement is responsible for the explosion on 13 November in Istanbul, an argument that initiates a new military operation. The Kurdistan National Congress (KNK) has denounced that Istanbul was a "false flag" attack used by Turkey to attack the Kurds. In the same vein, the Democratic Union Party (PYD) has denounced that the objective of the government of Recep Tayyip Erdogan is to invade Rojava.
Amaia Lekunberri Ansola 2022ko azaroaren 21a
Argazkia: Derik herrian jende multzoa bilduta, Turkiaren bonbardaketek hildako zenbait pertsona agurtzeko (Argazkia: RiseUp4Rojava)

Rising Up4Rojava Platform Released in August How to Recognize a War When It Is Before It in the Introduction to the Report Warns That Following the October 17, 2019 "Ceasefire" and Turkey's "Classic Military Attack on Rojava, the attack on the Curves has not stopped in Turkey, Syria and Iraq. "It adopts a new way by combining wars in three ways theorized by strategies: low-intensity war, hybrid war and composite war," the report states. Proof of the continuity of the war are, among other things, the military operations initiated since then by Turkey against Bashur (southern Kurdistan, within the limits of the State of Iraq); in April 2021, Operation Claw Lighting (counterclockwork) began and a year later, in April 2022, Claw Lock (vertigo blockade). Both argued that these were "counter-terrorist" operations, as the Turkish Government regards the PKK as a terrorist of the Kurdistan Workers' Party. The Kurdistan Liberation Movement denounces that Turkey is using chemical weapons and committing war crimes.

Since 19 November, Turkey has increased the intensity of the attack on Kurdistan, leading to bombing attacks. Under the name of Pence Kilic, the latest military operation aimed at northern Iraq and Syria, the Turkish Ministry of Defence has announced that the aggression is directed towards these areas, as they are "used as a basis for terrorist attacks" against their country. They say the objectives of the operation could be: "neutralise" PKK, KCK (Union of Kurdistan Communities), YPG (Citizen Protection Units) and other terrorist elements, "eradicate terrorism at its roots", "ensure security at borders and "prevent terrorist attacks" against their country and its security forces.

Warplanes began bombing the city of Kobane and its surroundings on Saturday night, and from Rojava to the Qandil Mountains, the attacks have not ceased since. GrowthUp4Rojava has reported that the attacks have attacked the
liberated areas of Rojava, Northeast Syria and South Kurdistan, bombing cities and regions of Kobane, Derik, Sehba, Minbic, Zirgan/Dirbesiye and Til Temir, as well as Gare, Qendil and Med-defense. Based on Sunday data, at least 29 people have died.

The symbolic city is Kobane, the first jopunta of the bombings, from where the revolution in 2012 started, making possible the materialization of Rojava self-government. Turkey has attacked several points since the start of the attack, but most of the aggression has been directed to the Rojava area and does not appear casual. The Democratic Union Party (PYD) has clearly stated Turkey’s objective: Invade Rojava. It even accuses the Government of Recep Tayyip Erdogan of using false accusations for this purpose. In fact, Turkish Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu held PKK and PYD responsible for the explosion on 13 November in Istanbul, Turkey. The organizations charged with the attack have publicly denied it.

The Government Board of the KNK Kurdistan National Congress has also intervened on Turkey’s latest attacks and accusations, denouncing that Istanbul was a ‘false flag’ attack that has served to argue the war against the Kurds. This is noted by: "The ruined Erdogan regime can only endure in power if the historical resistance of the Kurdish people to the neo-Ottoman occupation of Kurdistan expires. With the Taksim attack, Erdogan wants to be a victim of Kurdish terrorism Turkey to attack Rojava in the context of the G20 summit in Bali. And it seems that it has succeeded, because the Turkish regime is not able to start this kind of attack on its own; it needs the approval of the Global Coalition of Defeat ISIS, especially the US." That said, the UN, the EU, the EE.UU. and the Victoria ISIS Global Coalition are calling on the UN, if it does not intervene in the paralysis of the war undertaken by Turkey, to be responsible for the ongoing attack on the Kurdish people.

In this regard, the international organisation Askapena has denounced that Turkey is attacking Kurdistan with the "complicit silence of NATO".

Iran also in attack

The Risen Up4Rojava platform has released the note on 22 November recalling that while Turkey "is massively bombing Rojava and South Kurdistan," Iran is also bombing Kurdistan. They stress that the repression of the protests caused by the murder of the young Mahsa Amini has hardened in Eastern Kurdistan (Rojhilat) and Iran. "This situation, once again, shows the reality of the Kurdish people, the situations they face when they demand the independence of life," they have read.


Mobilisations against Turkey’s and Kurdistan attacks have spread throughout the world despite events. In Euskal Herria, calls have also begun: on 22 November we took the streets, we defend in Kurdistan! under the motto "In Vitoria-Gasteiz, at 19:00 hours next to the monument La Mirada; on November 23, Murderous Statue. Under the motto "We will stop the barbarism and the genocide of Kurdistan", a rally will be held in Bilbao, at the Arriaga, at 19:00; and on 24 November, at 19:30, they have called for the mobilisation in Donostia, at Biteri Square.

In addition, to show its support to the people of Rojava, FastestUp4Rojava has called on the public to mobilize and take action from 30 November to 2 December.