The Bizi Auzoa network in Vitoria-Gasteiz denounces the abandonment of housing after an emergency operation
  • A eviction is rushed on the weekend and will be released on Tuesday. “The City Hall of Vitoria-Gasteiz has not offered you any alternative housing or space to complete it,” denounced the Bizi Auzoa network of the Casco Viejo de Vitoria-Gasteiz.
ARGIA @argia 2023ko otsailaren 14a
Neguan Ostatu Emateko Gasteizko Bitartekoak martxan jarri gabe jarraitzen duela kritikatu dute.

They add that the man who is part of Bizi in the neighborhood cannot get the basic food and medicines he needs.

The network has criticized that the Vitoria-Gasteiz Accommodation Medium is still not working in winter, so “many are forced to live on the street in this long time.” Instead of expanding this medium, the network points out that the squares of the municipal social reception center and the hostel “increase and reduce intermittently” and that there are serious “the consequences that policies can have that reduce resources to the maximum in winter”.

They have recalled that these policies are the result of “the deaths that present us as tragedies in winter”, such as the descent that has recently died in Bilbao.