Report that in Larrezabal there are no safety measures in the area contaminated with lindane
  • Ekologistak Martxan and Butroi Bizirik Transition claim that there are no measures to prevent the move to the former Mungia landfill.
Iraitz Madariaga Etxebarria 2021eko uztailaren 20a
Larrezabalen lindanoz kutsatutako gunea. Argazkia: Ekologistak Martxan

They denounce the lack of security measures to prevent access to the contaminated area of lindane in the former landfill of Larrezabale (Mungia, Bizkaia).

The Municipality of Mungia started work this year to qualify the risk level of the area, following a request from the Ekologistak Martxan platform in 2017. During the works, the track has remained closed “with warning signs of the presence of toxic substances”, although the two associations have denounced that the measures have already been withdrawn.

The City Council recently replied by letter that the company contracted to carry out the measurements had taken the necessary measures. However, the platforms have confirmed the suspension of these initially established prevention instruments: last weekend a group of hikers managed to enter the site where the surveys are being carried out. The facts have been reported to the Ertzaintza, where his arrest has been carried out.

Lindane in landfills

Ekologistak Martxan has repeatedly denounced the pollution caused by lindane in the landfill areas. In 2019, the platform highlighted the case of another contaminated area: Preventive measures were requested in the works being carried out next to the Jata landfill in Lemoiz.

In the same year, the Basque Government approved a bill against Lindane pollution, and Ekologistak Martxan called several municipalities to apply the law: To the public authorities of Bilbao, Barakaldo, Trapagaran, Erandio, Sondika, Mungia, Santurtzi and Vitoria-Gasteiz.