Create the Larrea Table to deal with the climate emergency
  • The intergenerational working group set up in Gipuzkoa aims to prevent the incineration of Zubieta.
Igor Galarza Intxausti @IgorGalarza 2019ko urriaren 28a
Larreko Mahaia plataformaren aurkezpena

The Larreko Mahaia platform has been created with the aim of creating a new platform. A number of actors are represented here: CCOO, LAB, the labour unions STEILLAS, EHNE, the student union, the environmental groups Greenpeace and Eguzki, the youth organization Ernai, the Anti-Incinerator Movement, Extinction Rebellion and GuraSOS. In relation to the Zubieta incinerator, the Larrea Bureau has pointed out that “the incinerator increases climate change, which poses a serious threat to the health of Gipuzkoans”.

The goal of this new platform is that “society should manage this emergency”. They also stressed that Gipuzkoa was born to correct the climate imbalances that can be corrected in the line of intergenerational collaboration. Thus, the Larrea Bureau will try “to end poverty, oppression, violence, inequality, precariousness and ecological disaster.” In addition, the platform has called for a table to be set up to ensure dialogue with and dialogue between social partners.