If you eat an orange without making gestures
  • The Spanish policy is not of Borgen: At the beginning of the series, launched in 2010 in Denmark, the moderate party of the protagonist achieves a very complicated governance pact with the Labour and Ecologists, backed by the other two parliamentary forces. The need for agreements by Prime Minister Birgitte Nyborg has only to govern in a legislature in which he is negotiating non-stop with five different parties.
Gorka Bereziartua Mitxelena @gorka_bm 2019ko apirilaren 29a
Pedro Sanchez garaipena ospatzen PSOEren egoitzan. Inguruan bildutako zenbaitek Ciudadanosekin ez paktatzeko eskatu zioten.

In Spain things are not done like in Borgen. Paul Iglesias knows that. Aitor Esteban as well. The gloomy faces of the two election nights have an easy explanation for a slight hammering in the calculator: The PSOE is given numbers to form government with Citizens and to put aside the difficulties of the Danish pacts. This would immerse Unidas Podemos and the PNV in another series: Composed and without boyfriend, starring Lina Morgan.

Explaining the PSOE requires something less conventional: Les revenants, the disturbing French series in which the dead reappear. Because the results of 28 April show that the PSOE has returned, that the Greek tragedy of PASOK has driven away the ghosts that made the whole of European social democracy see.

But, as you see when you see Les revenants, you don't want to trust too much, because Sánchez's victory has its context and has its official sponsors. Context: it was voted for fear of the return of fascism, just as when in the French state Macron was elected against Le Pen. That has made many left-wing voters and left-wing voters in Catalonia users of the PSOE. That has led some fragment of the M15 to the Ferraz celebrations on the very night of the elections. Sponsors: The Financial Times, The Economist, the European Commission and the European Central Bank, among others, supported Sánchez in the last week of the election campaign. Not only do some left-wing voters, but also large capitals travel with the PSOE.

Are the context or the sponsors going to send government with whom? The decision can be made without the rite of the teleseries, after capitalizing the ballots within a month. Then it will be the time of the stories: If you eat a lemon without making grits there is a book in the catalog of the editorial Txalaparta, written by the Catalan Sergi Pàmies. Changing the name of the citrus fruit, almost everything is reported here.