Alternates who have held the same public post for five years become fixed without competing
  • The agreement reached by the Ministry of Finance, United Nations Podemos, ERC and PNV affects the personnel of the public administration of Hego Euskal Herria. The temporality rate currently stands at around 40% and the objective of the pact is to reduce it in the short term.
Leire Artola Arin 2021eko azaroaren 12a
Oposizioen ordez "merezimenduen" deialdi batera aurkeztu beharko dute lanpostu finkoa lortu nahi dutenek. / Argazkia: oposizioen azterketa bat, artxiboko irudian.

Replacement staff who have been in the same civil service post for five or more years shall not have to make any objections to becoming permanent staff, shall be submitted to a call for evidence of “merit” that meets the requirements of their job. On Thursday night, several media outlets have reported that the Ministry of Finance and Public Service, the United Nations Podemos, ERC and PNV have reached an agreement to reduce the high provisional rate of public administration. This legal reform will also be valid for companies, foundations and public consortia.

Almost 40% of the public employees of Hego Euskal Herria are not fixed, and very few competitions have been held in recent years. With this pact, Spain intends to lower the temporality rate over the next five years to 8% in interannual terms. The agreement lays down a number of conditions: the uninterrupted performance of a job for five years, the permanence from 1 January 2016, the existence of an exceptional measure and the possibility of making a single application. In addition, each administration should establish its own rules and conditions.

Legal reform should be approved in the committee and in the plenary of Congress, but the support of the signatories of the pact will be sufficient to achieve the necessary majority and advance the law.

Comply with the European requirement

The Congress of Deputies is debating the laws on the stabilization of public employees, which are intended to regulate temporality in the short term. In fact, in June the European Court of Justice warned the government that the extension of temporary contracts for public jobs for more than three years is "disproportionate" according to the court. Spanish regulations reflect the need to make objections every three years to the consolidation of workers, something that has not been achieved in recent years. Now, the change of law is intended to meet the European requirement, and to lower the temporary rate by 2024 to 8%.