Elkarrekin We can from Irun wanted to speed up the demand for Euskera for public employees, but it has not succeeded
  • Elkarrekin Podemos de Irun has proposed that the Basque Government take into account the "passive vasco-speakers" (belarriprest) in their language profiles for public use. Understanding that a clear step backwards and hindering Euskera in the workplace, EH Bildu and the PNV have voted against the motion, which has not finally been put forward.
Mikel Garcia Idiakez @mikelgi 2021eko azaroaren 02a
Argazkia: Irungo Udala

In particular, Elkarrekin Podemos called on the Basque Government to evaluate "the asymmetric profiles of passive Basques with greater capacity to understand, in jobs that do not have a direct relationship with citizenship". In practice, EH Bildu and PNV have agreed that this means relaxing the demand for Euskera in public jobs in the opposite direction to the effort made during these years to promote Euskera.

The PSE abstained and pp and Elkarrekin Podemos voted in favour. The motion has not been put forward.

Dynamic pathology

Elkarrekin Podemos has been based on the experience of Euskaraldia: Belarriprest had the objective of officially recognizing those who do not speak Basque in public positions, but the opposition has reminded in plenary that the Basque and Spanish are not in the same situation and that bringing the citizen experience to the administration is a stupid dynamic.

The Secretary General of the Basque Council of the Basque Country, Paul Bilbao, has described the presentation of the motion as a serious assault on the Basque country.

Let us not forget, CCOO has recently come to the courts considering that asking public workers for Euskera level B2 is "marginalising the belarriprest". Or a few months ago, the TSJPV annulled the call because it considered that asking for the Basque Country in the opposition to the Municipal Police of Irun is discriminatory for those who do not know Euskera.

In view of all this, the message of Irun’s opposition is clear: firm legal support is the one that needs the normalization of the Basque Country in the administration.