The slaughterhouses dedicated to the collection of Ezpeleta mushrooms have launched a problem that has been repeated in recent years, in precarious conditions of work and life. On 30 August, some thirty workers put on the front line the cry "We Need a Dignified Place" and they protested. The day before, they already mobilized taking the town square. The problem is that the vast majority of slaughterhouses are not witnesses, so most of them are forced to take refuge. But, following what they have denounced, not all the bosses guarantee this right and have to camp in precarious conditions.
In order to find a solution to the problem, two or three years ago a commission was set up within the Ezpeleta Pepper Syndicate, but no solutions have been agreed for the time being.
Euskal Irratia has protested through the media and here is yours:
Biper's butchers complain at Ezpeleta. Most of them are foreign and sleep in their van. They demand a dignified place with water and electricity. Some 15 strikes have taken place until the request is received. @AOP_PIM_ESPELET
— Euskal Irratia (@euskalirratia) August 30, 2022