A worker dies at the Amurrio Tubacex plant due to a heart attack
  • The worker was from the region and worked for the subcontracted Zamalloa.

Aiaraldea @aiaraldea 2024ko azaroaren 11
Tubacexen Amurrioko lantegian jazo da heriotza.

A worker died this morning in Tubacex at 8:20 hours as a result of a neck infarction. This has been confirmed by the Ertzaintza to the Aiaraldea media. The LAB trade union has issued a statement in which A.S.O. has also pronounced itself. The worker was 57 years old.

According to the Works Committee, the operator was a native of the region and worked for the subcontracted Zamalloa. As the trade unions have explained, the accident occurred when the worker felt unwilling to enter work. "We are going to look at what happened and the company has told us that next week it will give the necessary explanations," the sources explained.

For its part, the LAB trade union pointed out that: "In this last occupational death, two characteristics have been linked that we can find in many occupational deaths. The deceased, who was a subcontractor worker, has suffered a non-traumatic accident and has died at the scene of the accident. In addition, this death took place the following day of the absenteeism days organized by the employer Confebask, which reaffirms us when more than once we have denounced that for the employer health and safety at work are not priorities, that it does not matter prevention and that it is free to break the regulations".

52 deaths this year in jobs

With the latter, there were 52 workers who died in the Basque Country when they were working in the year 2024. On October 15, Mohamed Lazraq, a native of Orduña, died while working for the company Aminatec 3000 in Orduña.

Today's death is not the first occupational death that occurs in the history of Tubacex. In 2019, two people died in the factories that the multinational has in the region. The first one performed dual practices in the factory, when a piece fell on it. The second died of a heart attack while working in a hot area.