A worker dies in Iurreta while doing forestry work
  • According to the LAB union count, 36 workers died this year in Euskal Herria in occupational accidents.
ARGIA @argia 2024ko abuztuaren 20a

The event took place on 14 August in a dwelling in the Biscayan town of Iurreta. The worker was self-employed. The operator, who was engaged in forestry work, suffered an accident, hit a stick or trunk on his head and died at the scene. LAB has pointed out that 36 people have died in the course of the working day this year.

LAB has warned of the risks in the forestry sector and has called for further research and evaluation of work rhythms. In fact, according to the union, workers in this sector work with dangerous machines on steep grounds and often without repairing the weather. The note notes that, in general, conditions are becoming worse for employers: "The economic benefits outweigh the health and lives of workers, also in this sector."