A worker dies in an accident at the Mendiaraiz company in Azpeitia
  • The event took place at about 15:15 hours on Amue Street in the capital of Alavesa. When a truck is unloaded, a worker has suffered a drop in metal tubes that has affected him. The deceased worker was 52 years old and was a worker of the company Bidean Transportes de Oiartzun.
Uztarria Frantzesena Julene @julenefrantzese 2021eko martxoaren 05
Argazkia: Uztarria

A worker has died today, Friday, in an occupational accident occurred in the company Mendiaraiz of Amue Street in the Gipuzkoan locality. As the Ertzaintza reported to URL0, the event occurred at 15:15 hours when a truck was being unloaded where metal pipes have been dropped that have trapped a worker under the vehicle.

Firefighters, the Ertzaintza and the emergency services have been displaced to the site, but the worker has died.

The deceased worker, 52 years old and carrier, has been transferred to Donostia Hospital. The accident occurred in the Mendiaraiz company of Azpeitia, but the deceased is a worker of the Bidean company of Oiartzun.