ELA and LAB denounce the precariousness of positive unemployment data
  • Despite the fact that the Spanish Ministry of Labour has declared that unemployment has fallen, the Basque trade unions LAB and ELA have denounced that most contracts are short-term and precarious.
IƱaut Gonzalez de Matauko Rada @inautogdm 2019ko ekainaren 05

In May, the number of unemployed in Hego Euskal Herria has fallen by 3,089 people. The report published by the Ministry of Labour reaffirms the trend observed in recent years, with unemployment falling considerably each May. With this decline, the unemployment rate stands at 10.79%, the lowest since the outbreak of the economic crisis.

The Basque trade unions ELA and LAB published last Tuesday an analysis of this new report highlighting the precariousness of this fall in unemployment. LAB has stated that it is still "reducing unemployment with precariousness", making it difficult to use "unstable". In addition, the union has warned that youth unemployment has increased and warned that it is the group that suffers most from precariousness.

ELA, for its part, stressed that 92.4% of contracts signed in May have been temporary and 92.4% are undefined. In a press release published this Tuesday, you also referred to the situation of the unemployed, as more than 57% of the unemployed receive no benefit.