Deaths and responsibilities at work
  • With the beginning of this new year, fatal accidents have increased in the Basque Country. By writing these lines, there are already eleven workers who have lost their lives this year for their work. In 2019, this occupational disease led to 46 people in five territories of the Basque Country.
Juan Mari Arregi 2020ko otsailaren 06a
Santurtziko Zamakona ontziolan galdu du bizia langile baten azkena (arg: CCOO)

Every time a worker dies, we see stoppages and mobilizations denouncing capital, companies and administrations to make visible the precariousness of many contracts, to demand security measures or to remember that there is no investment in job improvements. This is denounced by works councils and trade unions, and they are absolutely right, and that is positive, moreover, every time a death occurs.

On the contrary, works councils, trade unions and workers themselves must take responsibility for a large number of occupational events. They must be the first to comply with and enforce security measures. The first is to tell colleagues that they are not working in good condition. Firstly, they should require the company to invest in security and sub-contract to review them so that the conditions of employment contracts and security measures are complied with scrupulously.

Workers, works councils and trade unions, assuming this responsibility, will be able to call more strongly on capital, employers and administrations to take on their responsibility. Avoiding or minimizing the number of workers’ deaths is also in everyone’s hands.