Israeli Parliament Wants to Ban Photographing and Recording of Working Soldiers
  • The Gag Law has arrived in Israel. The local parliament, the Knesset, decided on Thursday that it will discuss a law that will prevent Israeli soldiers from taking photos and recording videos while they work. This measure has been proposed by the country’s right-wing defense minister, Avigdor Lieberman.
Maddi Txintxurreta @mtxintxurreta 2018ko maiatzaren 28a
Arg: Ma'an News Agency

If passed, this measure would severely punish anyone who does not comply with the law. “While the soldiers are at work, anyone who fills, photographs or records their voice will be at risk of a five-year prison sentence,” the measure says. In addition, the law will prohibit the dissemination of photographs and videos.

The move is in response to “persecution at the hands of Hamas and Palestinian leftists” by Israeli soldiers.