Calm of plants
  • If you hear cocaine, morphine, nicotine, caffeine, quinine, atropine, colchicine or extricnine, what comes to your skull? They can also be papaberine, witch, ephedrine, teobromin or latirine. What happens to you when you hear these words? They are alkaloids, all derived from a plant.
Jakoba Errekondo 2024ko ekainaren 03a
Kakaoak teobromina sortzen du eta dosi ez oso altuan txakur eta katuetan bihotzekoak eragin ditzake. Argazkia:

Plants necessarily have three characteristics that characterize them as animals. Previous: they must grow while they live. She lives for a few days or thousands of years, she has to grow as she lives, thus forming her upper and lower cycles of basic sweating. In most trees its annual growth in the new subsurface ring that forms the trunk stands out.

Intermediate: their maintenance is produced by themselves. They deal with fungi and other aids, obtaining the food and water needed to live, transforming them into photosynthesis with the force of light and generating food on their own. We have no choice but to eat other living things to survive and survive; some must kill or kill them to eat.

Rear: plants do not move. We move them: we sow, transversally, we change, we plant, we replant, we repel, we remove, we mussel, we transform, we kneel, we introduce… But in reality its only movement is the one that makes the seed of the fruit before germinating, until it sticks and creates a new plant in the new earth. We move it, some other animal will eat it and throw it in the sinks, take it accidentally bound, fly with the winds, sail through the water. Most plants will live in the same place of their creation until their death.

It is what gives the works to death. This need to live still causes enormous headaches to plants. Plants have been in this land for millions and millions of years and have developed so many tricks to survive that we have not yet smelled. Many of them have been used for the benefit of animals, such as pollination and the transport and dissemination of the above-mentioned seeds. Another martingale is to put the animals in the trail: in what the animals have to eat or kill to live, we do our best. And plants must protect themselves, in the rest we will eat them. These protections are very constructive, just like thorns to make it difficult to harvest the plant: they contain chemical components that will make us repent immediately after eating. Alkaloid indicators mentioned initially. They shake our body and mind. Do not eat or touch these plants carefully. This is what we've inherited, as if it was our genetic inheritance: fear of plants. It's no less.

Chocolate theobromine as verb. ELIKA published in 2009 (Unwanted products in animal feed, teobromin) that in not very high doses can cause arrhythmias and heart vibrations in dogs and cats, including animal death, dose over 80 milligrams per kilogram of teobromin, 11 grams of black chocolate or 37 grams of milk chocolate. In rats it produces high-dose irreversible testicular atrophy.

In Bizkitarte plants are formed calmly, cocaine, morphine, nicotine, caffeine, quinine, teobromin, etc. just in case.