The Labour Inspectorate detects an alleged fraud of law for the abuse of recruitment through temporary work companies
  • The Labour Inspectorate has requested the revision of 1,766 irregular contracts to several companies in Araba, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa. He has sent a total of 340 letters explaining that contracting to meet structural needs is a legal fraud. Twelve temporary employment agencies will also be notified.
Leire Rodriguez Garmendia @leirero_22 2023ko martxoaren 28a
1.766 kontratu ikertuko dira eta 340 gutun bidali dira. Argazkia: Dani Blanco / ARGIA.

The CAPV Labour Inspectorate will send 340 letters to different companies to review 1,766 allegedly irregular contracts. In fact, Temporary Work Companies (ETT) have been used to cover structural needs, and this practice is considered a legal fraud.

The Department of Employment and Employment explains that these situations have been identified through a fraud prevention software application. The application allows data to be crossed to detect non-compliance with procurement rules.

Letters indicate that the repeated use of procurement to cover structural needs through ETT is a legal fraud, even if such procurement is formalised with temporary or fixed contracts discontinuous or conventional.

Of the 340 letters, 110 correspond to Algerian companies (703 contracts), 88 to Gipuzkoa (471 contracts) and 142 to Bizkaia (592 contracts).

Twelve ETT will also receive a notification stating that if within one month the user undertaking has not converted the irregular contracts into regular fixed contracts, they will be able to carry out inspection tasks.