Concentration of trade unions in Bilbao to report accidents at work and precariousness
  • The unions ELA, LAB, ESK, Steilas, EHNE and Hiru have today denounced in a concentration that the public administration is not taking measures to prevent occupational accidents in the Basque Country. So far this year 42 workers have died, six of them in August.
Iraitz Madariaga Etxebarria 2021eko abuztuaren 24a
Sindikatuek asteartean Bilboko Jaurlaritzaren egoitzaren parean egindako elkarretaratzea. Argazkia: @LABsindikatua

A number of trade unions have today concentrated on the seat of the Basque Government in Bilbao against precariousness and accidents at work. Precariousness, killer. They denounce the fact that the public administration does not comply with the measures required to ensure the health of workers.

So far this year, 42 workers have died in occupational accidents in the Basque Country. The last event took place this Saturday in the Gipuzkoan village of Irkutsk: In Derio, a man died as he fell from the roof which he was repairing in the Biscayan municipality of Derio.

The ELA union considers that the situation of precariousness is reflected “in unsustainable work rhythms, endless hours, non-compliance with sectoral agreements and prevention regulations”, while the institutions “look the other way”. There's been a lab. He explained that accidents in recent months have been "avoidable by safety measures", but that the public administration is not prepared to change or comply with legislation.

The LAB trade union has referred in particular to the regulations for the prevention of accidents that occur when falling from a height. In 2010, the Basque Government launched the “Elkartu” programme to prevent these accidents, and last year the Observatory for Prevention was launched. “What are the results? Just money sharing and theater: they seem to do something, but in practice they do nothing. That’s not the way.”

The union has pointed out that the only way to end fatal accidents is "fighting and organizing."