Work-related deaths and occupational diseases rose by more than 10% in 2021
  • The unions LAB, ELA, ESK, STEILAS, EHNE and HIRU have appeared this Tuesday in Bilbao and Pamplona/Iruña to present the report on accidents at work in Hego Euskal Herria in 2021, on the eve of April 28 of the International Day of Occupational Health.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko apirilaren 12a
Gehiengo sindikalaren Bilboko agerraldia. (Argazkia: ELA)

Following the trend of previous years, the majority of trade unions have recorded at least 68 occupational deaths in 2021. Accidents at work and occupational diseases have increased in all territories: In the CAV, 10.2%, and in Navarre, 16.7%, compared to 2020. Here is the summary of the report released by the trade unions:

"Last year, at least 205 occupational accidents were recorded in the CAV per day, while in Navarra 30 were recorded. With regard to occupational diseases, we continue to denounce underreporting in official statistics. In Hego Euskal Herria alone at least 12 people have died from asbestos-related diseases, but many are not declared occupational diseases, so official statistics are not true to reality. In 2021, official statistics recorded 35 deaths in the CAV and 13 in Navarre, resulting in the deaths of eight to two more workers, respectively, than the previous year. On the other hand, the majority of Basque trade unions have recorded 48 deaths at work and 20 in Navarre, in addition to the lack of access to information.

Among work-related deaths, 26% have been non-traumatic, 14% due to falls in height, 22% "in itinere" and 28% due to an accident or impact. On the other hand, 19 per cent of the deaths were subcontracted and 15.6 per cent were carriers of foreign nationality.

The industrial sector has suffered the most deaths (44%), followed by services (28%) and construction (11%). The forestry sector deserves special mention, with six workers killed in 2021, 13% of the total. One fisherman, one agricultural worker, seventeen people have been affected by asbestos and ten carriers have died in the accident. Similarly, although we will not record them in our statistics, two workers were killed in Burkina Faso while working as journalists.

Apart from the dancing of the figures, what is hidden behind this data is that an accident at work or a sickness resulting from work live close to the suffering and pain of the people and families they have met firsthand. Data on occupational accidents in Hego Euskal Herria are incomprehensible, and more considering that any accident and occupational disease can be avoided if the appropriate technical and human means are put in place. It is still failing here.

Not enough funds are allocated to deal with investment in adequate safety conditions in the workplace. The company must spend on prevention in order to give workers the basic conditions. The governments of Vitoria-Gasteiz and Iruñea do not change prevention policies, although they have been found to be ineffective, and no more workers are hired to ensure prevention in companies properly. That is why we call for an increase of at least 100 technical workers in the Labour Inspectorate and Osalan in the CAPV and 50 more in Navarre, in order to equip the European Union and closely investigate companies with risks or losses.

As long as that does not change, and as long as precariousness continues to exist in companies, every year more than 50 people will die at work in Hego Euskal Herria. The unions will continue to work so that this does not happen."




Appearance in Pamplona. (Photo: Steilas)