Beñat Irasuegi
"We have to do little work."
  • Olatukoop member, BEÑAT Irasuegi, celebrated on 26 June in Usurbil, the Transformative Social Economy Network Day. "The new normality will be: more individualization and more submission. Are you willing to accept the new normality? - He started to ask.
ARGIA @argia 2020ko ekainaren 30

This is a short video that is worth listening to in full. Next, we've only picked up a few ideas from the video.

"We're not alone, that's the good news. But it's hard to identify our equals. It's also that Olatukoop, identifying those who, with me, don't want that new normality." At a time when there is a lot of talk about putting life at the center, "the process we are experiencing is just the opposite, death has been put at the center. In other words, today the economic and political powers decide who is entitled to live and who is not. That is necropolitical. We are on the opposite path: we want to live and we want to decide how we want to live."

That pause, too short, beautiful.

Irasuegi recalled the fleeting sensation that we had experienced in the first days of confinement: Discontinuous. "At any given moment, we even fantasize about a long pause. Stop talking and let's see what to do. But they haven't given us that pause either, and we have to stop this system, we've all felt that this way you can't live, and the life you want to do to us isn't habitable either." What for? "To live and enjoy."

"Living to enjoy relationships and community"

Irasuegi shook all the tobacco in the cooperative world, answering the question of what life is for: that it is to enjoy the relationships and the community, and that for that it takes time, and with less work you have to gain time... "We don't succeed and we work a lot because we want to change things, but working little or no, and working on what we enjoy, has to be a right, that's what we understand by labor sovereignty: working on what we want with the time we want, to have time."

"Why have classes been running? Should they? Was it not better to interrupt from one beginning to the next until September? That has led the reels to be in operation in the houses and to burn relationships."

"Conciliation is a great lie"

"We cannot accept conciliation," he said, "because accepting conciliation means accepting that life and work are incompatible and that we need tools to reconcile what is incompatible with what it is. We are setting ourselves a trap and a very closed limit, we have to go further."

Finally, he defended mutualism: "In the future, when we need care, will we bring the problem home again to hide it in the families? We have a great community challenge in care: Will we be able to have strong Community surveillance within 20 years? ".

"Each according to his or her abilities, each according to his or her needs"

Having a different view of the world, Olatukoop also stated that he has to work on publishing the speech and that the philosophy of ARGIA with people is the basis: "Each according to their possibilities, each according to their needs. Let us give each one what we can at every moment and ask for what we need, but in all areas and collectively, as the well-known bearded said."

"Necropolitics that takes advantage of the need for certainty"

Irasuegi explained that we all need certainties, but that he takes advantage of this necropolis: "When there is no certainty, it creates false certainties, to reinforce authoritarianism and political lines, which are very dangerous," he added. We have to give the certainties, but the ones we have built, and there is the challenge. These new certainties must be identity and material, it must be of both".