The Spanish Government agrees to a "profound" labour reform
  • The issue of labour reform has created tension between the PSOE and the UN Podemos, but they have finally pointed out that they will comply with the demands of the UN Minister Podemos, Yolanda Díaz. Structural reform is planned by the end of the year.
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The government coalition is committed to “repealing” the labor reform of the PP, a word they have used in the political pact agreed between the two parties. The Minister of Labor and Social Economy, Yolanda Díaz, explained to the newspaper El País that it is technically impossible to “repeal” the law, but in practice it means that they want to make a “profound reform” of the labor reform of the government of Mariano Rajoy in 2012.

In recent weeks there have been tensions between the PSOE and the UN Podemos, but on Tuesday the president, Pedro Sánchez, and the Minister of Economy, Nadia Calviño, have accepted Díaz’s requests to respect what was agreed at the social table. The two sides of the government hope to agree on a "structural reform" by the end of November and to open negotiations with the trade unions and employers at the social table. Labour reform, which will affect all workers, is expected to be ready by the end of the year. The political pact states that they intend to reach a “balanced agreement for dialogue”: “It is a guarantee of sustainable reform, complying with the European Commission’s promise in the framework of the Recovery Plan”.

They must now begin to spell out the labour reform in detail and to draft the content of the law. The government coalition has explained that the main objectives of the reform are to put an end to temporality, precariousness and unemployment.