Tunnel under the Lamiako River: site with adverse effects
Subflubiala EZ! Plataforma 2024ko irailaren 09a

Next Saturday, September 21, Subflubial NO! Those on the platform will come back to the street. On this occasion, at 12:00 hours, a camp will be held in the park Artatza. There will be market, music, bertsolaris, storytellers and many other activities. We want to make known and share the nonsense of the tunnel under the Lamiako River. In fact, this tunnel does not solve mobility problems, but aggravates them.

In the Bilbao Metropolitano we are facing a pharaonic construction that is not part of the integral planning of mobility and transport. According to the Official Gazette in Bizkaia, "the need for comprehensive mobility planning is apparent", something which, unfortunately, has not been done. The Member is continuing with multi-million dollar projects, without taking into account the real needs of the environment and the citizens.

The tunnel under the Lamiako River is designed to encourage the use of private vehicles. This goes against the greenhouse gas emission reduction policies promoted by the National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan, the European Union and the Council itself. Indeed, the increase in road infrastructure generates a "call effect", i.e. more cars in circulation, more pollution and more public health and environmental problems.

Instead of urgent investments in public transport, basic services and a coherent territorial policy, projects are being developed which benefit only large construction companies.

And as the world moves towards a sustainable transport model, rather than urgent investments in public transport, basic services and a coherent territorial policy, projects are being developed here that only benefit the major construction companies. In addition, this work will have an enormous cost for everyone: More than EUR 600 million, at the current price of materials. If it is not that, as has happened on previous occasions, once the work has begun, the budgets are overtaken with slack.

But it's not just a matter of money. The lateral conditions of this tunnel under the river will directly affect neighborhoods and villages such as Sestao, Romo and Leioa, with the noise, vibrations and dust they will bear in homes and educational centers. The project does not offer real solutions and will have negative consequences on the quality of life of the people living in the environment.

We invite you to participate in the camp that we organized on 21 and 22 September. You know that this struggle is everybody's, and that's why we encourage you to participate in these days of resistance. We have to stop this absurdity before it is too late and to achieve it we have to do it together.

Subfluvial NO! Platform