On 6 February, a year has passed since the collapse of the Zaldibar landfill, where two workers have been buried. The Zaldibar Argitu platform and the Charter of Social Rights of Euskal Herria have organized the act "Argitu Lagundu". The event will take place a few days before the anniversary of the accident, on 23 January, from 12:30 in the Eibar Armory School.
The purpose of the act is to recall what has happened, to demand responsibility and to set in motion the popular accusation at trial, as reported by the organizers. The money raised will be used to face the procedural costs of the popular charge.
The event will involve several artists, including dantzaris, musicians and bertsolaris. Those approaching the stage will be able to see Petti, Liher, Olatz Salvador, Miren Amuriza, Udane Eskudero, Aritz Salamanca, Antton Fernández, Aiora Etxebeste, Mattin Etxebeste, Sastraka, Miren Narbaiza, Zaloa Murseea, Maite Etxebeste.
Tickets will cost EUR 10 and will be available at Eibar (Guridi), Zaldibar (Imendia), Elgeta (Haizea) and Ermua (London). It is also available online on the web entradium.