They denounce that the crew becomes a criminal group at the Rochapea demonstration
  • On 8 May, hundreds of people demonstrated in the Rochapea district of Pamplona/Iruña. They wanted to show their solidarity with the young people who were arrested on 27 April in Bilbao. Following the release of detainees, they have denounced that the operation has become a "criminal operation".
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Hundreds of people have participated in the demonstration, under the motto “Class solidarity in the face of attacks. You are not alone,” he says. In the concentration after the demonstration, two young people have read the protest manifesto. According to his statements, the police operation continues and becomes a judicial process. This is a punitive operation that has been carried out both for the detainees and for the environment in which they find themselves. They say they have a clear goal: to scare.

Taking into account the facts attributed to them, they consider that the police operation is disproportionate: “Unfortunately, the modus operandi they have used is common and we are used to this kind of thing.” The young man who has read the manifesto has also denounced the lack of journalistic ethics suffered by the organization.

Through manipulation, they claim that they have wanted to turn the neighborhood's group of friends into a criminal group. They believe that aggression against the Rochapea neighborhood is not a coincidence, but they stress that the facts go beyond the neighborhood.

They say that the ruling class has decided to keep the citizens under control and discipline, the citizens in general and the proletarian social sectors and the neighbourhoods in particular. And they have stressed that they have criminalised young people in particular. They have denounced that these are attacks on a form of politics and have called for class solidarity in order to avoid such events.”


Arrests on 27 April

On April 27, the National Police arrested ten young people in the Madrid neighbourhood of La Rochapea, charged with "criminal organization" and "public disorder". After spending two nights in detention and declaring before the judge, the detainees were released on 29 April 2014. According to the National Police, detainees are part of a criminal group, of a structural, permanent nature and that aims to organize violent acts, for which they are accused of being "a group of kale borroka". According to the Foral Police, the investigation has been extended for one year by young people.