The Government of France will be able to study in Basque in Lyceum crops
  • The French Government has approved the old claim that bilingual training can be offered in private culture as “pedagogical experimentation”, that is, that it can be taught not only in French, but also in Basque. The quote will be in Donapaleu and Hazparne.
ARGIA @argia 2024ko ekainaren 26a
Argazkia: Euskal Irratiak

The French Ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty has just authorised the application for cultivation schools in Ipar Euskal Herria, which has been in operation for ten years. It will be allowed as experimentation, but the lyceum provides that a normal section can be extended beyond experimentation.

In particular, the Jean Errecart Liceos of Donapaleu and Armand David of Hazparne will launch this new modality to practice both languages. The director of Hazparne’s Liceo has pointed out in Kazeta that the decision is a new door that opens to young people, especially those who “have come from bilingual teaching or immersion”. The newspaper also includes the words of the director of the Donapaleu High School: -It's great news.

In Donapaleu, the next course will start in Euskera in the sections related to general low, and then the offer will be extended to the sectors related to professional low. In Hazparne, they are already preparing to teach in Basque in the fields related to low professional.

It is precisely in the Parliament of Paris that the creation of local language teaching departments in agricultural colleges was recently discussed, and among other issues, the possibility of studying in Basque in the agricultural schools of Iparralde was raised.