The LABI will decide on Friday whether to relax measures against coronavirus
  • The measures to be decided this week are those that affect the hospitality and cultural and sports activities of the Basque Country. They would enter into force on 21 June. In Ipar Euskal Herria, from today on, the use of the mask will not be necessary abroad.
Iraitz Madariaga Etxebarria 2021eko ekainaren 17a
Urkullu lehendakaria, LABI batzordearen bilera batean. Argazkia:

Urkullu called on the LABI Commission to discuss the easing of existing pandemic measures by 18 June. Among its decisions are the opening of establishments until one in the morning, the opening of 'txokos' and the public's authorization for sports activities. If the cumulative incidence per 100,000 population remains below 150, these measures would be implemented on 21 June.

Topics affecting hospitality, sports and cultural events will be discussed from 16:30 a.m. In addition to delaying the opening of establishments between 12 and 1 hour of the night, the authorised capacity in hospitality will be extended. On the tables the maximum capacity will be 4 to 6 people; on the outside of the pool and on the terraces and hotel campsites the capacity will be 60%.

Markets, fairs, shops, religious centres and cultural events will also increase the number of authorised persons. Cultural activities in the interior will involve 600 people and 800 people abroad. Internal sport can be carried out in groups of ten people. Furthermore, for the first time the public will be allowed to approach, with a capacity of 60%: The maximum number of spectators shall be 800 for indoor sports and 1,200 for outdoor sports. On the other hand, you will also be able to visit 'txokos' and gastronomic societies in the streets of the Vizcaine town.

These measures are part of the Bizi Berri III Plan of the Basque Government. On Tuesday, Bizkaia, Araba and Gipuzkoa moved from the third to the second category that marks the anti-pandemic plan in the CAV and Navarra. In fact, the cumulative incidence per 100,000 population was maintained for the first time in less than 150 in ten months. According to the epidemiological report published by the Basque Government on 16 June, the cumulative incidence in the last 14 days has been 137.79 points (8.73 points since 15 June). The continuation of this levy will be necessary so that the measures to be discussed on Friday can enter into force on 21 June.

Navarra and Iparralde

Anti-coronavirus measures also decrease in the rest of the Basque Country. In Ipar Euskal Herria, the rules that he had called for by 30 June (beginning of the fourth phase) were made more flexible. Among other things, with regard to the use of the mask from today on, in general, it is not necessary to place a mask on the outside, unless in some places where there are crowds of people, such as at fairs or specific sports events. In Navarre, in the interior hospitality spaces, the capacity has risen from 30 to 50%, and the opening has been delayed until 12 noon.