LAB denounces Amazon's "union crackdown"
  • The union denounces that Amazon's workplace in Trapagaran uses "persecutions and punishments" against strikers

ARGIA @argia 2024ko maiatzaren 14a

LAB convened 18 strikes and stops at the Amazon Workplace in Trapagaran to negotiate a new deal. At the press conference held this morning in Bilbao, the union announced the "pressure" exerted by each of the workers, and the recruitment of temporary staff to cover the strike hole by the company. In addition, according to LAB, Amazon has also made criminal threats because the company is saying that it "has consequences" participating in strikes.

The union says it has opened fourteen sanctioning procedures since Amazon opened the center in 2019, and LAB does not believe that it is by chance that the first sanction will take place after the first strike in 2021, and that all sanctions imposed have been imposed on workers who have participated in the strikes. "These penalties have been verbal alerts, days without work and without pay and dismissal," said the union representative.

Amazon makes "malicious" use of the disciplinary regime, according to LAB. He says that serious sanctions are imposed on the acts described as minor and that the right to defend workers is often violated. LAB highlights the "repressive flood."