LAB Pledges Against School Segregation in Oyón
  • By LAB we applaud the enthusiasm and determination of the educational community of Oyón for overcoming segregation and euskaldunizar the people.
LAB sindikatua @labsindikatua 2019ko urriaren 09a

We express our commitment to take concrete steps in this situation, seeking synergies. Following on from this idea, the proposal we have drawn up in recent months has the approval of the teachers of the two centres and other agents of Oion. This open proposal will be shared in the coming days with the entire educational community of Oion to gather their contributions.

In the opinion of LAB, in addition to the specific problem that lives in Oyón, we have deficiencies and serious problems in the educational system. In this sense, the institutions involved: We will ask the Basque Government, the Provincial Council and the Council of Oyón for clear commitments to reverse the situation of school segregation.

On the other hand, if one wants to solve the problem of school segregation that lives in Oyón, the demand for the model of immersion in Euskera is fundamental, especially considering the influence that the persistence of models “A” and “B” has on the school segregation in La Rioja.

By LAB, we propose the creation of a "work table" of segregation, binding and with results through audits.

On the part of LAB, we propose the creation of a "work table" on segregation, binding and through audits, that gathers the results, that includes the institutions involved and agents of the educational community, that reflect on the segregating elements and that propose the necessary measures to reverse the situation, among others:

  • To eradicate the difficulties of enrollment: all families must have the same possibility of accessing all schools financed with public money, we will demand that the activities that generate segregation by beliefs be put to an end and we will clearly bet on the model of immersion in Euskera.
  • It should promote the balance of the registration management system. In this sense, we will demand the application of a minimum and maximum index of foreign students, special needs and low socioeconomic profile. In response to the social reality and from the City Hall, in coordination with the Department of Education, we will demand the establishment of a registration office that provides adequate and balanced information and referral to families.
  • Minor ratios per professor should be established. Specific resources should be provided based on the diversity existing in each center and tools for teacher stability should be sought.

It is time to implement concrete measures against segregation, because in Oyón we see the disposition and commitment of the agents of the educational community.

Let us make it possible for everyone!