Lava will have a terrace in the Plaza del Castillo de Pamplona
  • The Government of Navarra will implement the decision of the Administrative Court of Navarra to make possible the terrace of the Laba Association. The Government considers in Pamplona the refusal of Navarra Addition to Law.
Euskalerria irratia @fm983irratia 2023ko maiatzaren 12a

The Government of Navarra agreed on Wednesday to authorize the Laba Association, located in the Plaza del Castillo de Pamplona, to install a terrace on the street between the Bar Windsor and the Hotel La Perla.

It consists of the subsidiary execution of a decision of the Administrative Tribunal of Navarra (TAN). This Resolution annuls the decision of the City Council of Pamplona refusing to install it, declaring it contrary to law.

The government agreement includes: Delegate to the General Directorate of Local Administration and Depopulation the execution of the resolution of the TAN, the automatic subrogation of the Government of Navarra in the competences of the City of Pamplona, informing the City Council that all expenses to be incurred will be on behalf of the City Council.

Navarra Suma maintains the granting of the licence to install the terrace, although it accepted the TAN resolution of 10 October 2022 the right of the applicant cultural association (Association Laba). The TAN itself criticized the City Council’s Homeland Security area for using confusing words to breach its resolution and grant the license requested within one month.