Lava returns the offer of San Fermín, although it also receives the warning from the municipal police
  • Every afternoon there will be music in Laba at 18:30.
Euskalerria irratia @fm983irratia 2023ko uztailaren 07a
Labak ez du egitaraua bertan behera utziko, mehatxuak mehatxu.

The Laba Association is based in Plaza del Castillo, number two. Iker Tubia takes the phone there. Lava also received a note from the Municipal Guard. Today, however, it will open its doors and have decided to maintain the cultural offer.

They shall report any changes. During the San Fermín festivities it will be open from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. In the afternoon DJs will start at 18.30 a.m. until 21.30 p.m. Musical performances will take place every afternoon.