La Directo reports that journalists have received fascist threats
  • Catalan staff reports that in October they received a letter full of fascist messages that frequently insult journalists. However, they decided not to report, "after checking the relationship between the police and the extreme right".
Leire Artola Arin 2023ko urtarrilaren 02a
Urrian mehatxu faxistez betetako eskutitza jaso zuten La Directan. / Argazkia: Victor Serri.

La Directo, the independent Catalan media, has denounced fascist threats. Among other things, on 18 October, a letter full of threats was written in Catalan on the handwritten sheet: “Vultures chibato, ens caguem en els vostres morts. You won't stay like that. Vultures! ! !”.

It also included several leaflets with fascist messages in Spanish along with the images of Oriol Junqueras, Ada Colau and Carles Puigdemonte: “Dirty bulls! ! ! Outside Spain! ! “Stop knows – rats,” “Anti-Faxist, I catch myself in your fucking mother,” “Let’s get our neighborhoods back, Menak kanpo!” Direct journalists warn that this is not the first time they have received such threats from the far right. "Anonymous letters, screams on public roads in demonstrations, messages on social networks...", they point out.

No complaint

However, the media has announced that they have never formally denounced it because they are clear that the police and the extreme right are united: “After checking the complicity and synergies between police officers and members of the far-right, in the context of sports celebrations, but also in the area of evictions, we have come to the conclusion that any investigation led by Mossos d’Esquadra and the Prosecutor’s Office would be archived. Furthermore, for any journalist, the introduction of personal data, such as telephone or address, in a criminal case against ultren is a real danger.”

They have strongly criticised the justice system: “We are in the grip of a legal system that channels huge resources in the fight against anti-capitalist dissidence, but at the same time it deals with with a great deal of guarantee any attack that comes from the far right, especially the Spanish list.” They denounce that justice has a certain tendency and that “some stumps that no one has voted make politics.”

They reaffirm that the best defense is attack, journalism. "Continue to investigate, continue to report, continue to structure anti-fascism, giving voice to all initiatives across the country that paralyse hate messages, racist campaigns and the impositions of fear."