They report that Kutxabank intends to evict a woman from Donostia and her son
  • The Stop Evictions platform has denced that the Kutxabank bank intends to evict two Egia neighbours: Rosario, 76 years old, and her son, 51, both disabled, 54% for the mother and 70% for the son.
Beñat Parra @parrabenat Irutxuloko Hitza @irutxulo 2021eko ekainaren 18a
Etxebizitza eskubidearen aldeko elkarretaratze bat, Donostian. Argazkia: Beñat Parra / Irutxuloko Hitza

Faced with this, Kaleratze Stop announced that next Monday, 21, at 11:00 hours, he will concentrate at Kutxa’s headquarters on Garibai 15 Street, “to ask the plaintiff to suspend eviction and ensure the maintenance of this vulnerable family in his home”. Also, Stop Desahucios has called for the “mediation of the mayor” because “the resolution of the plenary of 24 September 2015 declaring San Sebastian as a city free of eviction regulates that banks and investment funds do not evict vulnerable families from their usual homes”.

As explained by the platform, Rosario and her child receive pensions for widowhood and disability, totalling €1,020 per month. They stressed that they were in a "vulnerable" situation and recalled that their problem "started over 40 years ago": “Rosario’s mother started building on her own a simple floor, while paying a modest rent to her owners. In February 2012, Kutxa awarded this land as a guarantee for a loan that could not be paid by its owners. Since then, Kutxa, who had already filed a new lawsuit, has not regularized the literal contract that was agreed more than 40 years ago and that was known as the ‘old rent’ that regulated the ILP of 1964.”

For his part, Kaleratze Stop explained that the way to extinguish contracts of indefinite duration of the old income is not to pay fees or to demolish that housing to build another. “In this case, this family has created, paid and maintained a simple housing that meets the conditions of habitability according to social services. And they are not to blame for the housing in Aldakonea, in an area of urban expansion,” they added. In particular, the municipality took a further step in December to develop the Aldakonea urban project, and several Egia agents were against it, considering it speculative.