The cultural sector starts two days of strike
  • There will be no cultural offer on Friday and Saturday.
ARGIA @argia 2020ko apirilaren 10

Following statements by the Spanish Minister of Culture, José Manuel Rodríguez Uribes, the Spanish state body builders have called for a 48-hour strike. On 10 and 11 April there will be no cultural offer on the network.

Rodriguez appeared on 7 April. Regarding the measures taken by the Spanish Government in the face of the coronavirus crisis, he explained that no measures will be taken to support the cultural sector. This provoked great indignation among the body builders, and various associations in the cultural field have joined the call for a strike that has been proposed by the union of actors and actresses Union of Actors and Acplastics.

In Euskal Herria, several people have also joined the strike and the hashtag #ItzalaldiKulturala has been placed on the net.

As in Spain, Eneko Olasagasti, secretary of organization of the Union of Basque Actors, explained to Naiz that in Euskal Herria the cultural sector is weak. As he explained, in the face of this situation of weakness, they contacted the Basque Government and informed it of the situation in which 30 of the actors involved were present. It has denounced that the Basque Government "has not realised anything".