Olentzero's partner, Kuku Mari Domingi?
Fernando Oiartzun Sagastibeltza 2023ko martxoaren 03a

(Kuku Mari Domingi! response to the readers' letter)

Olentzero's partner, Kuku Mari Domingi? Not much less. Olentzero is also a kind of woman, in fact not a carbonero, but an anthropomorphic Christmas character.

Mari Domingi is a character conceived to serve the most reactionary models of society. Like princes put a princess on them. That is unfortunate when tradition shows that the Olentzero can be a girl or whatever you want. Olentzero is, among other things, a way to represent Christmas, New Sun Days.

And in the surroundings of Leitza, at least, this tradition has been alive in the last 120 years, and it is still alive: the Olentzero doll is the girl, the witch, the peasant, the housewife, the old lady, the sewer, the seamstress… in the female figure and in the figure of man. So, if you want to praise all women, let them be respectful and let Olentzero himself be an imaginary girl: peasant, fisherman, peasant or revolutionary.

Fernando Oiartzun Sagastibeltza