EH Bildu claims the need to tackle the crisis in the massive demonstration in Bilbao
  • Convened by the coalition, 20,000 people have met at the Bilbao demonstration, according to the organizers and the report of the Gara newspaper. The Municipal Police of Bilbao, on the contrary, points out that they have been 12,000. General coordinator Arnaldo Otegi stressed that the crisis has responsibility: “Political and economic elites.”
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EH Bilduren arabera 20.000 lagun elkartu ziren Bilbon; Udaltzaingoaren arabera, 12.000. / Argazkia: EH Bildu.

Abant! Under the motto "The unstoppable Basque Wave" the Autonomy Street of Bilbao was completed on Saturday in a massive demonstration from La Caja. Thousands of people have joined the “wave” driven by EH Bildu. According to the organizers and Gara, 20,000 people have approached the Bilbao Municipal Guard. Demonstrators have claimed independence and the general coordinator, Arnaldo Otegi, in his last speech, has stressed that the current crisis has an “alternative”.

Otegui warns that it is necessary to “change the root” before the multitude and says that the first step is to “win the ideological cultural battle”. It also warns that the consequences of the Ukrainian war and economic policies are responsible: “Economic and political elites.”

“When they announce the arrival of the recession, some say that “the storm comes.” It's not a weather phenomenon. It should be clearly pointed out to those responsible, who make savage capitalism, neoliberalism and political decisions,” he criticized, following the statements of the PNV. He has also proposed the “alternative”: to stop war, change consumption patterns and share wealth, work and care.

Message of solidarity to prisoners and victims of the State

Otegi has sent a message of solidarity to the relatives of Basque prisoners, refugees and deportees, on behalf of EH Bildu: “If we are proud of something, it is along the way in recent years, because at the end of the dispersion we have managed to alleviate the burden that you had, which is the burden for all the people. We will continue to walk with you until all Basque prisoners and exiles are brought home free.”

The terrorist State has shown its solidarity with all the relatives and friends of those killed. The general coordinator of the independence left has announced that they will support the measures they take in relation to the recognition of the Spanish Interior Minister, José Barrionuevo.