The Navarra Anti-Poverty Network proposes measures to alleviate the effects of the crisis
  • The Navarra Anti-Poverty Network insists that "inequality has to be turned if we want to stop this belief".The Navarra Anti-Poverty and Social Exclusion Network presented a report on Thursday "to detect the needs in the social crisis". They define the current socio-sanitary situation as syndemia, a term that refers to the interaction between biological elements and the social differences in the spread of the coronavirus. They have proposed measures to alleviate this situation in order to guarantee the rights of the most disadvantaged citizens.
Jone Markuleta @JMarkuleta 2020ko urriaren 29a
Pobreziaren aurkako Nafarroako Sarea, aurreko aurkezpen batean. Argazkia: Euskalerria Irratia.

The network has submitted the report six months after the launch of the Sindemia. The report presents a section of general proposals and a section of specific proposals for areas such as education, training and employment, housing and health. Thus, they have presented resources for those people who have led to poverty the COVID-19 disease.

They stressed the importance of understanding the “plurality of dimensions” of the problem of social exclusion: “It is time to lay the foundations for a comprehensive response by the entire public administration and to address the specific responsibilities of each department in the fight against social inequality, according to its scope.”

The report is divided into six sections:

- The digital divide

The digital divide conceals two complementary realities, the first and most evident, is the lack of tools such as devices (computers, tablets or mobiles), and the second is the lack of digital capacity of people in situations of social exclusion, which also means that there is talk of digital illiteracy.

- Education

The anti-poverty network is concerned about the increasing absenteeism resulting from the syndontic situation and the lack of tools to cope with the situation. In addition, they consider it necessary to make a diagnosis of emotional impact, as well as tools to support minors and gave venes.En another order of things, the UPV/EHU advocates to strengthen post-compulsory studies so that young people can be trained through personalized itineraries.

- Employment Plan

They consider that it is essential for the Employment Plan to be drawn up to ensure the implementation of personalized and comprehensive pathways for social inclusion, to strengthen social support processes, to develop joint training and employment models and to extend the protection of household employees.

- Health

The main protagonist of this syndementia is the mask. As this is the main preventive measure and is also mandatory, the Network considers it necessary for all persons to have guaranteed access, including those who do not have a purchase authorisation. "Furthermore, now more than ever, guaranteed universal health care must be guaranteed, rejecting exceptional cases" which have been identified "on more than one occasion". There is also an urgent need to strengthen the socio-sanitary system and mental health".

- Housing

To the situation of imbalance between supply and demand, which does not guarantee housing for all people, the problems that the Code has created today must be added. "One of the measures we are already calling for is the rise of public housing for rent, which is unsustainable. It is also necessary to provide specific resources to the most vulnerable people,” says the Network.

- Prison situation

"Prisoners are in the majority of cases forgotten", the Network pointed out, which has chosen to transfer competences to Navarra as soon as possible in the field of prison health and to guarantee health protection elements.