The Portuguese president says it’s time for the bank to return the support received in the 2008 crisis
  • The President of the Government, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, told the bank that it must make a "very important contribution" to the country for the support received during the crisis. He added that this support was received by each Portuguese for the aid provided, and that the bank now has the possibility of returning it.
Maria Ortega Zubiate @ortegazubiate 2020ko apirilaren 06a
Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa banketxeei krisian "ekarpena" egiteko eskatzen. Argazkia: Hoy.

He wanted to stress the importance of time in order to win the “race against the clock” against the coronavirus and its economic and social consequences. “That struggle is also about banking,” he said.

Thus, on 6 April he will meet with the presidents of the five large Portuguese banks (Caixa Geral de Burg, BCP, Santander, Novo Banco and BPI Bank) to understand their point of view and see to what extent they are willing to help them. However, the coronavirus has already affected the banks, as the Portuguese Government has given a period of six months to families and businesses that have difficulty paying their loans.