Crisis sounds to complete the course
Ainhoa Etxaide Amorrortu 2022ko uztailaren 14a
Paolo Gentiloni europar komisarioak inflazioaren datuak eta Europar Batasuneko herrialdeen hazkunde aurreikuspenak eman berri ditu.

Neoclassical economists equated economy and market. They were clear that it was vitally important to define where the economy begins and ends, what economic value is, what economic policy area is, and what economic subjects are. It's been decades since the feminist economy pushed that limited vision upside down, highlighting the fraud and the goals behind it. But, well, neoclassical economics is still hegemonic, and respecting dogma, the economy has to go back two or three months to be able to say there's crisis. We are therefore not in crisis, at least for consecutive months of negative economic growth.

But any economic study that overcomes the market shows the scale of the crisis we live in. If there is crisis, because the risk of poverty increases excessively, because it is not ensured that everything that needs to be given dignified attention, because we have in society a value and a place depending on what we consume, because we are obliged to give great importance to purchasing power, aware that consuming more and more makes us more dependent ...

At a time when we are told that the crisis will be measured and analyzed according to traditional parameters, it may be the right time to bring the economic discourse against the centrality and superiority of the market to the middle of the Polish debate tico.Con the slogan “Lives at Center” to get dressed up in proposals and strategies. And why not, to lose the fear of the discourse of the abyss, as Mercedes workers did.