Opening negotiations in Paris on the autonomy of Corsica
  • The Corsica delegation consists of 21 persons: Gilles Simeoni, President of the Executive Council of Corsica, Marie-Antoinette of the Assembly of Corsica Maupertuis, the presidents of the four parliamentary groups of this House and the seven French and European parliamentarians.
Jenofa Berhokoirigoin @Jenofa_B 2022ko uztailaren 21
Darmanin Frantziako Barne ministroa Korsikako hautetsiak –Maupertuis eta Simeoni– agurtzen ari

The French Minister for the Interior, Gerard Darmanin, and the President Autonomist of the Corsican Executive Council, Gilles Simeoni, have today, 21 July, initiated negotiations between the two parties in order to find a solution to the political conflict. Among the main issues is the question of the institutional recognition of Corsica. They initially had to start on Wednesday, but Gironde’s fires in recent days have led to changes in the government’s political agenda.

The French Government will meet with a 21 Corsican delegation, represented by Darmanin. The President of the Corsika Executive Council, Simeoni, of the Corsican Assembly, Marie-Antoinette Maupertuis, the presidents of the four parliamentary groups of this House and the seven Corsican parliamentarians from France and Europe come from the island to Paris.

They will talk about autonomy and discuss what is placed within that status as the main source of discrepancies. Four months ago, Darmanin surprised himself with an opening to accept autonomy. We recall that the death of the Abertzale prisoner Yvan Colonna, which took place in March, triggered anger and rebellion. The last sighting of Yvan Cologne has given a new sigh to the struggle for Corsica’s sovereignty, in which ARGIA explained in detail the political context.

Always within France

The French State has been clear since its inception: Corsica will be part of the French Republic and will not accept two categories of citizens. The debate will continue and aim to reach a consensus on the roadmap at the meeting on 21 July.

After this first meeting, on Friday the Minister of the Interior will arrive on the island with a two-day visit. The negotiations will last a long time, in the view of both parties.