Korrika message by Karmele Jaio
  • Below you can read the message that Karmele Jaio has written and that has been sent by thousands of Euskaltzales throughout the Basque Country.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko apirilaren 11
Karmele Jaio idazlea, lekukotik berak idatzitako mezua ateartzen. (Argazkia: Dani Blanco)

A relincho pulled out of the throat of this town. That's Korrika.

This cry has shown us for the twenty-second time that a language is not made only with words, but with words and bodies. That you can take the word to the trot on your knees and legs; that you can pass between shaking, breathing and hand sweating.

Korrika has the ability to turn language into something physical. To give substance to our individual. And that's what Euskera needs: the words that are made flesh.

The Basque Country needs a skeleton, an anatomy, a respiratory system and a nervous system. It needs a neck on which to move forward. The Basque needs to be moved with tears and saliva. Keep it with fingerprint.

So let us dirty the Basque; let us badge on life. And let's do it with Euskera.

against inertia:

At a time when words have been emptied, let us fill the words of the Basque people with stone and people in people.

At a time when it is said that everything can be bought and sold, let us show how cheap our language is: we take ourselves from the mouths of the people and give them a bucket to the ears of the people.

In a time when individualism is strengthened, let us make a collective Basque, between all and all.

In the time of wars, let us always prioritize the word.

In the age of influencers and youtubers, let's have other small inspiring gods.

Pello Zabala, for example, reminded us that the prognosis of the Basque country is in us.

Or Joan Mari Torrealdai taught us that in Basque the words of humility and pride are compatible.

Other AndereƱos such as Elbira Zipitria, Julene Azpeitia or Izaskun Arrue showed us that Euskera is not difficult, it is a desire.

And at the time of labels, let us forget the old and Euskaldunberris once and for all. Because in this revolution, in this race, we are all Euskaldunberris. Because a language starts every day, it renews every day. Because a language is not born, because it is made.

We believe that Euskera is not something we have, but something we are.

And let's pull it out of our throats with the strength of a Maurizia chick.