Call for the abolition of the AP-8 toll in Bizkaia during coronavirus
  • The AP-8 Peajerik Ez platform has denounced that during the pandemic the only vehicles that can use the highway are those of emergency services, those that distribute the necessary goods or those that come to work. In this regard, it has called for the removal of tolls from vehicles during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Maria Ortega Zubiate @ortegazubiate 2020ko martxoaren 25

The platform has appealed to the MP in Bizkaia, Unai Rementeria, and has denounced the "lack of sensitivity" of the MP in Bizkaia for not yet taking this measure. He stressed that vehicles circulating in the area will be offering essential services and that he does not understand that the toll of users will continue to be charged.

He has called for “some humanity” to Rementeria and, even if it does not destroy it forever, at least so that “the citizenship of Bizkaia withdraws it while suffering the pandemic.”

It has also denounced that this motorway establishes a “selective toll”, “especially in the Duranguesado, Ermua, Lea Artibai, Busturialdea and western Bizkaia”.