As for the presentation of TV, it is applied on national television. In addition, it has called for "discipline and responsibility" for the general public. It has not announced the confinement, but it has decreed a national holiday of one week, in which workers from ultra-violet shops, grocery stores, pharmacies, transport services, banks and the administration, among others, will not be present. Generalitat President Donald Trump has not set a new date.
Russia has not recorded the high data recorded in the other European countries: Coronavirus has infected 658 people, according to data from March 25. The country is following its normal march, the metro is still crowded, and street vendors are still trying to sell their products, as Gonzalo Aragonés reported in the edition of La Vanguardia.
However, the head of state has met with the mayor of the capital, Sergei Sobianin, who has expressed his concern to him. Nearly 200 cases of contagion have been recorded in the capital and both leaders have agreed on a series of measures to stop the spread. From 27 March, people over the age of 65 will have to stay in their homes and wait until 14 April.
As in many localities in the Basque Country, there will also be voluntary groups in Moscow to bring food and medicine to the confined. In addition, the Council will grant them aid of 4,000 rubles, some EUR 50. However, the director of companies and the elderly who have a fundamental role in companies do not have to stay at home, but Putin enters that group at the age of 67.
Criticism of the Basque Government
The writer Vladimir Gúbarev stated that Russian society is in fact "incredible and suspicious." And that is also the case here. Putin has been criticised for not applying the total lockdown. Critics have pointed out on their social networks that the one-week vacation will only fill the parks of towns and cities.
For her part, the president of the Medical Alliance, Anastasía Vasílieva, has stated that the government hides real data. "The authorities hide the truth, because they will never admit that they have enough resources. The parts of the new mothers are intended for patients with pneumonia, the system has to overflow," says Vasílie. He adds that coronavirus or respiratory infection is diagnosed in patients with coronavirus.
First action
However, the WHO spokeswoman for Russia, Melita Vujnovic, stressed that Russia was one of the first countries to take action in this regard. On 30 January, it closed with China a border of 4,200 kilometres, and by 3 February it cut off the railway communications it had with that country, banning the entry to the Chinese a few days later. “Russia started doing medical tests at the end of January,” added Vujnovic.
New measures
In his appearance on the national television channel, the president has also announced new austerity measures. With a ‘populist’ tone that has been underlined by many people, he said that it will increase child support, lower insurance prices and increase taxes on Russian foreign and Russian investment.