During the coronavirus funeral services will not be more expensive
  • The Government has delayed funerals during the time of the coronavirus and has limited the burial comites to three persons. In addition, it has placed a limit on companies that have paid the most in the last 15 days: funeral services companies will have to apply the prices established before 14 March. And companies that have charged higher prices in the last two weeks should start automatically to make the difference.
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The Government of Spain has regulated coronavirus incidences at funerals by Order SND/298/2020 of 29 March. This order prohibits any type of velatorium, prohibits the practices of tanatoaesthetics or tanatopraxia and prohibits the performance of invasive religious interventions in the body in the case of people killed by Covid-19. Ceremonies will be delayed and burial or incineration comites will be limited to three persons.

The most expensive funeral homes will have to pay back the money

Consumers will have a period of six months to complain to those companies that have received higher prices from 14 March to date, following the withdrawal of the alert state. In any event, the Government Order states that companies must return the difference ex officio.

Not paying for services that could not be used and receiving the budget

Prior to the hiring of the service, funeraries must budget users, along with the price list published prior to March 14, 2020, even in the case of specific actions by COVID-19.

In addition, if the contracted service or product has not been delivered or used by the user as a result of the crisis, the quantities paid for such services or products shall be reimbursed.