Israel leaves a conscientious objector free after six months in prison
  • Such Mitnick Has been a young 18-year-old who in the last decade has been incarcerated at most for problems of conscience.
Jon Hidalgo Gereñu 2024ko uztailaren 19a
Tal Mitnick. Argazkia: Getty Images

Israel has released an 18-year-old young man from Tel Aviv without officially admitting the argument of conscientious objection. He was the first Israeli to resign from the Army since October, and has remained in prison for six months, until he was granted a license to release his opponent. He has been sentenced on six occasions to prison for continuing to refuse to participate in the Army, and he has spent most of his time in prison in the last decade as an Israeli conscientious objector. In recent months, there have been more cases of Israel ' s conscientious objection.

This young man, along with 230 other Israeli students, publicly refused to participate in the Estella Earth Army and opposed the activities of Gaza. Many of them have been imprisoned by Israel, both men and women. In Israel, all "citizens" over the age of eighteen are obliged to enter the army, except the Arabs. Other minority groups are also exempt, but it is “anticipated” that those who perform military service will spend more than two years, according to the Zionist army itself. In addition to those appearing as objectors from the outset, others have subsequently refused to return to Gaza, once they have participated in the genocide.