Internationalist concentration in Donostia-San Sebastian on Monday before the trial against the Palestinian Fadi Hassan
  • The Kaxilda Library, the Biladi Association and the Askapena Movement have convened a rally on 30 November at 11:15 a.m. before the Donostia Court. On that day the members of Kaxilda have a trial against the Palestinian Fadi Hassan, who defines himself as a Zionist. "The objective is to denounce the aggressions suffered by people and groups who in recent years organize political actions of solidarity with the Palestinian people, both in the Basque Country and at the state and global level," they said in a statement.
ARGIA @argia 2020ko azaroaren 25
Fadi Hassan –Javier Ortega Smithean atzeran, alkondararekin eta mugikorra eskuan– Voxeko ekitaldi batean, 2020ko ekainaren 21ean Donostian. (Juan Karlos Ruiz / Foku)

On Monday, Fadi Hassan and the two people of the Kaxilda have a trial and a third person who got into the middle of the altercation as he went through the place has been arrested. There are cross-referrals between them. On this same Twitter, the members of Kaxilda have explained the reasons for the call.

ARGIA put on the table three weeks ago the scrolls of Fadi Hassan, president of the Community of Palestinians of the Basque Country, through a research report.

"Whether you like it or not, yesterday, today and we will always defend the political practice of internationalism, which is what makes more country. And we want to express our firm conviction that we will continue to denounce those who want to stifle and punish anti-fascist solidarity," they said.

Irutxuloko journalist Hitza BEÑAT Parra recently interviewed Esteban Zamora, head of the Kaxilda Hitzan de Irutxuloko. "Our compensation is to make politically visible and denounce what Fadi Hassan has done," he said, among other issues.