The Spanish Government approves measures to protect consumers
  • The measures adopted by the Council of Consumer Protection Ministers go in two directions: extending the time limits for payment of credits for vulnerable citizens; and receiving an alternative for goods and services not used by the coronavirus crisis or returning the money directly.
ARGIA @argia 2020ko martxoaren 31

The deadline for payment of credits is extended to persons who are considered vulnerable (e.g. unemployed), with a moratorium of three months that can be extended.

On the other hand, the company must offer an alternative to those who have already paid a trip, a gym, a nursery… and to those who have not used these services (e.g. the possibility of making such a trip at another time) and if the citizen does not accept the alternative, he will be entitled to recover the money. In the case of childcare facilities and similar services, if fees have continued to be levied, companies should offer the possibility to recover the service at a later date.