The invisible dictatorship of consumerism
Germán Gorraiz López 2022ko abenduaren 24a

21st-century capitalism would use the invisible dictatorship of compulsive consumerism of material goods to eliminate the ideals of the primitive individual and turn them into uncritical, mizzy and conformist beings, achieving a homogeneous and uncritical society through mass manipulation techniques.

Thus, the German sociologist and philosopher Herbert Marcuse, in his book The Unidimensional Man (1964), explains: “The basic function of the media is to differentiate the needs of goods and services from large corporations, linking individuals to the cart of consumption and political passivity.”

This society would be composed of the One-dimensional Individuals, influenced by compulsive consumerism of material goods, and would establish a new religion in which god, money and consumerism would be his prophet as a paradigm, Black Friday and the Navidad.La dictatorship is invisible and nullifies the ideals of the primary individual, making him an uncritical, fearful and uncomfortable being that easily manipulates the social material itself.

Germán Gorraiz López, Analyst