The Council welcomes the fact that the courts reject UGT’s appeal to lower the Basque level of Euskotren’s workers.
  • The High Court of Justice of the Basque Country has approved the requirements of Euskera established for the tests. The Council has said that it is an “important step” and a “good news” in the defence of language rights.

Leire Ibar 2024ko urriaren 07a
Batzorde Iraunkorreko kideak euskararen aldeko aldarriekin Bilboko Justizia Jauregian Euskalgintzaren Kontseilua

The judgment protects the linguistic profiles contained in the convention. The Council has stressed that a cooperation agreement provides greater guarantees of language rights in the field of employment. In this way, the right of users and workers of Euskotren to receive the service in Basque is guaranteed.

UGT wanted to put an end to the requirement of Euskera level B2 in the process of stabilising Euskotren’s jobs. However, the Court of Justice has approved that this level of Euskera be required in the CAV. The council of Euskalgintza added that this ruling helps to clarify the "false dichotomy" that lately exists between linguistic rights and labor rights, as the agreement works as a guarantee of linguistic rights.

The Council has reported that UGT has tried to challenge the Collective Social Security Convention by 2015. However, the Euskalgintza Council has considered the judgment as a solution and has underlined the need to take "courageous steps" to make a leap in linguistic policies. In addition, they have warned that we are in a "Lingussian emergency" and that a new database is needed to prevent disaster.