Breach of contract
Patxi Aznar 2024ko martxoaren 01

Some data to get a view of what happened. On 13 November, at the request of parliamentarian Adolfo Araiz, the counsellor of the Government of Navarra, J.M. Ayerdi, appeared, who explained that the waste coming from the incinerator of Gipuzkoa was liquid, not sludge, as established by the contract. This is in breach of the contract concluded between the company Navarra EcoάSansoain and the incinerator of Zubieta. In less than 24 hours, the Environment Deputy of Gipuzkoa, Asensio, appeared to say that everything was correct. It is clear, as I have explained, that in sending the liquid, instead of sending the mud, the contract has been breached, both the Gipuzkoan issuer and the recipient company.

For people to understand breach of contract, I issue: Deputy Asensio is the person who, in May 2020, poured the waters contaminated by the incinerator into the Arkaitzerreka stream and tried to hide it when he destroyed the river fauna and killed fifteen sheep, bearing in mind that it is imputed for it or that when the waters of the same stream were dyed brown he did not dare to say that the incineration was filtered from the incinerator. Understanding Asensio’s double language, and knowing the dirty play that some companies had with waste, both the one that managed Zaldibar under the supervision of the Basque Government and the one that managed the waste in Funes (Navarra), under the supervision of the Government of Navarra, I am not surprised by the mafious way in which the company Navarre Eco, who knew that by complying with the excess fluid was. In addition, this company mixed these leachate with other leachate and the mixture of both was toxic. Subsequently, this company used leachate to compost. The compost was carried out without control by the Government of Navarra, first because it did not detect anomalies in the usual inspection and then because it allowed the entry into Navarra of these illegal liquid waste for almost two years.

Patxi Aznar Bellido